An'Karr Vel

A Wandering Inn Fan Fiction


“Welcome to Tlanex boy… Good, good. See, looks like the client hasn’t gotten their caravan together yet. Was worried they’d be waiting on us. Ain’t gonna leave till tomorrow but that’s unprofessional if they’re packed up and were not even here to guard them outside the walls.”

Darian looked along the sandstone walls of the small city ahead after two days on the road. They rose up 20 feet from the semi-arid landscape along the coast with square bastions jutting out at regular intervals even with the ramparts. Each one had a short watch tower rising up from the center of it with the ramparts wrapping around but they were built of a few different styles and none of them matched the walls themselves. He wondered idly if it was different masons or entirely different cultures that had provided a variety to the defensive structure. Maybe just different styles from different eras.

A theory that would have proven correct if he had just asked. At least partially. No one could decide on the original builder of the wall, some said it was dwarves, some lizardfolk, some dullahan, and some even thought it was Drathian or at least designed by a Drathian [Architect] at some point. But besides the walls, the towers… People could prove who had built the towers. Throughout its history, the towers had been replaced repeatedly by whoever had control of the city.

Though, it all wasn’t very special to Darian’s eye… It may have looked like certain Chinese city walls but to him, it was just a larger version of the ones around the town he’d appeared next to. He assumed at least the walls, if not the towers, were built by the same people and then patched and repaired back to the way they looked to begin with.

Beside the gate, which was in the center of a larger protrusion and adorned with a larger tower, were 20 wagons, carts, and carriages with more still lining up. Several dozen people were moving about making last minute preparations so they could start at first light. There were even a few looking like they were going to be joining in on the long journey on foot. They congregated around a small group of tents with large packs and handcarts.

Altogether it looked like a lot until he focused his attention on the two thousand soldiers in front of him. Even without the rear guard that seemed excessive once he compared it to the 70 or so people they’d be escorting. It was also strange that they were going on the road anyways, it was a small port city.

“Hey, Sarge. Why are they…”

Darian let it go right after he started saying it. It really didn’t matter and it was probably better not to ask questions. [Sergeant] Umbert must have been anticipating his question though because he still got an answer.

“Terrobirds and bandits and worse on shore and pirates at sea. Least they can try to run from the birds and the bandits if things get bad. At sea, if the ship can’t run away, neither can you… Well… that’s true but in all seriousness, we’re going through another city on the way. Pachacuti, it’s inland a ways, on the edge of the salt waste. Not sure why they have such a large caravan going or why they’re willing to pay for so many of our guys and gals but it pays gold. Probably just someone of import traveling and everyone else is tagging along. The soldiers will get their orders on who’s paying and needs protectin’.”

Darian nodded and looked about again, he didn’t see anything that made him think wealthy but then again they might still be in the city. They moved with the company as it fell in beside the convoy, their aquatic leader riding ahead to meet with the caravan leaders.

He’d only met her once but the [Captain] was hard to miss. She was the only lizardfolk in the Company without scales and had a light gray leathery skin mottled with pink and darker spots. The lack of scales made her stand out, not to mention her lack of neck frills. In their place, she had external gills that she individually wrapped in bright, wet cloth. She was a bit duller than her fellow lizardfolk colorwise but seemed to sparkle under the light.

Like her entire body was sprinkled with glitter. It was an impressive look and one her kind were known for, even if they were exceedingly rare.

Darian saw her disappear into a tent and he brought the wagon to a stop. Next to him the [Sergeant] leaned back and put his feet up on the rail in front of them after a few minutes. He had a little pad already lashed to it for comfort.

It was obvious that [Sergeant] Umbert was expecting a longer wait, despite his words.

“Don’t get too comfortable, won’t be here long, just gotta wait till the boss is finished talking. She’ll send out orders once everything is done.”

He said it loud enough for everyone nearby to hear. Even the soldiers in the back of the columns ahead turned around because it wasn’t just Darian that was getting antsy. Kallea for one was stomping her front feet restlessly behind them. Darian knew why she was restless and hoped he could see it. She was a level 9 [Singer] and did some decent covers of the Singer of Terrandria’s songs. Along with that she even had one of her own that fit the pop category and a few more that were more traditionally Centaur. She did have a beautiful voice but it wasn’t as good because of the lack of a band. The hope for her was a capstone Skill to remedy it. She just wanted to perform so she could level up one more time. Darian just wanted to see her perform… He’d heard her sing of course but that wasn’t the same from the way she made it sound. Although that didn’t matter… the wait continued.

It took another ten minutes before a runner brought [Sergeant] Umbert their orders. He read them over from his slightly reclined position and yelled out instead of actually addressing anyone properly. But he was the [Sergeant], what could anyone say about it.

“Let’s see… Alright, Jonus get the boss’ horse fed and watered. I’ll put Zek and Handil on cart duty for now. Zek, I’ll relieve you once we’re done, get my awning up. Boy, you’re with me. The rest of you do your normal duties, check the wagons, help with the horses, set up the tents, get the food unloaded, and you’re free to go. Back by sunset, anyone back after is getting pay docked or flogged… and SOBER! We leave in the morning and I swear I’ll stick you on the rickety cart hungover if you stumble back thrashed.”

Darian glanced at the rickety cart. It was sort of infamous among the supply troops, that technically included himself even if he wasn’t a [Soldier]. It had two different sized wheels and one had a sizable flat spot on one. It basically meant a bumpy ride for most or a pain to pull for the centaurs due to bouncing all over the place. Kallea said it yanked on the harness constantly.

No one wanted it. Except for Jonus but he was a little crazy, so it didn’t count. They only trusted it to carry bags of yellats and other foods that didn’t bruise or spill.

“Boy, grab my parasol, let’s go.”

Darian jumped out of the wagon after grabbing the umbrella from the back and joined Umbert. The [Sergeant] refused to carry the thing with a wave of his hand, so Darian ended up following the man into the city holding up a bright yellow umbrella with lace danging down it, trying to keep it so it blocked the sun. Easier said than done while trying to navigate through the people moving about their day in Tlanex. It was a half measure anyways as his [Sergeant] had put his shawl and gloves back on.

Humans, Dullahans, Lizardfolk, Centaurs, and some walking corpses that had to be Silphids were all doing what they do. It was planned chaos in the city, with wide boulevards running in a rough grid pattern accompanied by zigzagging side streets that sometimes cut through the blocks.

In any case, Tlanex wasn’t like any city Darian had ever been in, it was like a well planned city that later added new roads haphazardly through the years. Despite the ordered disorder, Umbert seemed to know exactly where he was headed. It didn’t take long before they were walking into a large stone building with a shield that had a painted starburst in the center, flanked by spears on both sides.

“[Sergeant] Umbert, Mountain Eagle Company. Got any soon to be indentured we can take off your hands?”

Darian stood back as Umbert marched straight up to the desk, skipping a short line of people. They looked annoyed but bit their tongues, the company was small but Umbert was still a company man and Tlanex didn’t belong to just one company. Some called it the City of Mercenaries…

It wasn’t that important though, not like the cities that served as headquarters for the four great companies. It got the name due to having no less than 6 smaller companies vying for control at any given time, though largely through politics and economics… With maybe the rare assinantion attempt here and there.

Due to its divisive nature, it was also a prime spot for roving companies to travel to because any of Tlanex’ companies that picked a fight with the Mountain Eagle Company, or any other, would likely be pushed out of the city even if they won. They would simply lose to many men or be attacked from the rear if the opportunity presented itself.

The [Watch Sergeant] behind the desk gave him a once over and shook his head. Umbert slipped a few silver coins onto the desk that changed his mood quickly as in he spoke. He still had a tired drawl to his voice like someone that had been up for far too many hours.

“’Fraid we nearly sold the lot of them. A representative of Crimson Sands came in and made an offer, they hit the market too. Not sure why but they’re rounding up every [Slave] of worth they can. We got one left, strange human. [Carpenter]. Grown man with only three levels. Came in after they left.”

“What’s he in for?”

“Vagrancy and operating a business without a permit. He was going around offering to fix people’s wagons and carts for cheap. Must have been doing good work because the Artisan’s Guild wasn’t having it. Laws the law though.”

“How much?”

“15 gold.”

“Any other crimes?”


“We’ll take ‘im.”

Umbert didn’t even hesitate and dug 15 gold coins out of his pocket. He held them up and a watch member was sent to get their new acquisition. Umbert waited impatiently watching the door, likely wanting to get back to his awning but Darian kept his eyes on the door to the cells for a different reason. He was only a level 2 [Account Clerk] when he was bought a week prior. Which was extremely low leveled for someone his age but there had been a very good reason for that.

It didn’t take long for Darian to lay eyes on a young Hispanic man wearing a shirt with a swish logo. They made eye contact and the young man tilted his head questioningly. Darian was dressed in local attire with a light tunic and pants but he still had his glasses and shoes from home.

Earther meets Earther.

“Hey, boy… not you! Let’s see, Gab-rai- Gab-rai-el?

Umbert struggled with the name on the paper the watch member handed him.


“Right… they tell you what this is about?”

“No, Señior.”

Umbert ignored the foreign honorific and moved on. It sounded like he’d done it before plenty of times. A well rehearsed speech that only changed from what Darian had heard because of the numbers.

Still, it was a sign that it was business and Umbert was well versed in this particular kind.

“You were fined 15 gold. If you can’t pay it, you’ll become a [Slave]. Here’s the offer. My company will pay your fine but you have to sign a contract saying you’ll work for us until the fines paid off plus extra. Total of 20 gold. You’ll get food, water, a place to sleep, and a base salary of 4 silver a month, we keep 8 out of 10 until it’s paid off. So you’ll make 8 copper a month until you get a raise. You’ll be paid more if you bring more value to the company. If you stay on with us once it’s paid, your contract will be renegotiated. You’ll be expected to do 4 silver worth of work a month otherwise we’ll sell ya or put a spear in your hand and stick you on the front line. One time offer, otherwise you go to the slave pens. What do you say?”

Darian stood to the side as Gabriel didn’t even hesitate. It had taken Darian a minute of internal debate and Umbert threatening to leave before he’d decided.

“I’ll sign.”

“Atta boy.”

Umberto pulled out a sheet of parchment and jotted down a few figures. It was a copy of the same contract Darian had signed. All Umberto had to do was add the man’s name, amount of debt owed, and pay. Otherwise, it was exactly the same. It also detailed what the expectations and punishments were. So, Darian couldn’t help but shake his head as Gabriel signed without even reading it. Even without it being much of a choice, it was still a bad habit.

“A’ight, follow me. This is Darian. He’s one of the ones responsible for everything in the wagons and you’re now responsible for the wagons themselves. You’ll be working together, eating together, sleeping in the same tent together. Let’s get to the slave pens and see if we can add a few more to your tent. After that, we hit up the guilds for out of work [Mages] and [Scribes]. Hit a few restaurants and see if they know any out of work [Cooks]. Then off to the slums to look for [Thugs] and [Toughs] that wouldn’t mind stabbing who we want them to stab for pay.”

Gabriel offered his hand to Darian and the two shook. Neither said anything and followed the [Sergeant] out the door. They made their way across the city with Darian holding the umbrella again until the duty was passed off to Gabriel. Umbert just snatched the handle and passed it to their new member. The [Carpenter] also inherited Darian’s title of ‘boy’ as well.

When they got to their next stop they found the slave pens were nearly empty. All that was left was a castrated [Rapist] and two very old [Bed Slaves]. Darian could even tell they were old despite the different species. Lizardfolk didn’t get wrinkles but judging by the loose, grayed scales they’d have plenty if they were human. Umbert still asked if either one knew how to cook. They didn’t and he ignored the [Rapist] completely.

Next, the Mage Guild was a bust and they only managed to find one [Scribe] but when they tracked him down, he wasn’t willing to leave the city. There weren’t any [Cooks] worth their salt either. Though Darian wished they could have hired the one making the extra large supreme pizzas in one of the restaurants they stopped in. Just looking at it made his mouth water.

It was a delicacy from Izril someone said and even Umbert noticed after he finished his questioning. He eyed a slice as well.

“And three of whatever that is… Mess tent will be closed and I’ll be damned if I eat travel rations right outside of a city. I’ll take it out of expenses.”

It was strange how much something like that could mean. Other than a few songs, it was Darian’s first real taste of home. Literally. Plus the taste!

Darian nearly cried when he took his first bite. He’d been living off dry bread, badly made stew, and more often than naught, tough bars of something that felt like chewing dried tree bark. He imagined the taste was probably the same as well. It was beyond nice to have something that actually tasted good. All three of them stood in silence eating their slices, Umbert studying the toppings a bit.

But once they were done they were back at it.

“Slums next… remember what that was, I’ll see if our new [Camp Cook] can make it if we ever find one. Might earn a few coins from the Captain if we can get a decent recipe for the officers’ mess.”

“I know a good recipe for that. My abue- ahem- My Grandmother used to make something like that. I used to help her.”

Umbert kept moving barely sparing a glance at Gabriel. Despite unconsciously dipping into Spanish, Darian noticed his accent wasn’t very strong. It was there but not as noticeable as one might think for someone who used Spanish terms in English. He had to guess that Gabriel must have been used to jumping between the two on a regular basis until it became mixed.

It didn’t really matter, things like that were common. At least on Earth. It likely just meant Gabriel largely spoke Spanish at home or with friends while English everywhere else. A true bilingual who was used to using two different languages in rapid succession.

“We’ll see about getting you in the mess tent to teach that bastard we’ve got. Level 15 [Camp Cook] and 3 assistants… they still screw up gruel of all things! Keep telling the [Lieutenant] that he needs to toss the whole lot in a ditch and hire a [Beggar] to cook or at least ban dreamleaf… Nah, we can’t do that though. We need his damned Skills or we’d have to hire twice as many to get everyone fed.”

“Why not just hire a [Beggar] and teach them to cook. Maybe you can replace them that way.”

It was Umbert’s idea, but he didn’t seem to take it himself. Darian couldn’t help but wonder, why not? He’d grown up in a large family and knew a few recipes they could try. Or at least improvise with the ingredients at hand.

But Darian’s thoughts, which were linked to being more useful and maybe getting a little bit more pay to put towards his debt stopped when Umbert stopped. The [Sergeant] looked around for a second before marching up to a human with a scar on her face sitting at the entrance to an alley. Her hair was all over and Darian could smell her as they approached.

“You. Want a job?”

“What ya thinking old man?”

She started lifting her dress in the front and smiled with rotten teeth. Umbert did an about face and rapidly walked away with Gabriel rushing to cover him from the sun. Darian was right behind them, he didn’t want to see what was under that dress.

“Perfect example. I didn’t mean it literally, there’s a reason you don’t go near most of that lot. Folk like her especially. It’s not worth it even if you could train them to cook, they’ll ply their trade on the side and we’ll end up with half the camp getting some sort of crotch rot! We only need that fool of a [Cook] to be sober while he cooks… Well, maybe… Tell you what, if you somehow manage to find someone worthwhile, all we can offer is food and a place to sleep until they get a class. Make [Recruits] like that too if we need to. But if they’re willing to accept it, tell me… Now up here. Stay with me, don’t go into the alleys or any building unless I’m already going in. Anyone tries to jump us, just get back and I’ll handle it. Boy, watch your bag. This lot will cut it right from your back in broad daylight if they get the chance.”

Darian looked at Gabriel’s backpack with a bit of envy. His own had been left in an inn when he was arrested. He had no idea where it was at now. The only thing he had was his broken iphone and watch. Most of his other possessions were more or less worthless but he would have liked more than just one pair of underwear and to have his tooth brush and paste. The cleaning brush and powder the company provided just didn’t cut it. It tasted like charcoal.

Darian pushed the thought of mint out of his mind as the three of them moved further away from the bustle of the market district and watched the houses grow gradually more weathered.

It didn’t take long for them to be replaced by large tenement buildings with small shacks built up in empty lots around them. Darian could see why they called it slums. Besides the buildings, the people they saw wore rougher clothing, the smell was atrocious, and he noticed a few young lizardfolk watching them from the top of a building. Plus a teenage human was standing near a corner of shacks ahead. Umbert pulled a silver coin out of his pocket as he approached her.

The shiny bit of metal was all Umbert needed to grab her attention. In a poor neighborhood, that was a solid meal ticket. Maybe even a few if you could get a good deal or didn’t mind yellats and stale bread that much.

“Hey, girl. Spread the word, anyone of age that isn’t a step away from a chopping block can sign up with the company outside the walls. We’re recruiting. Hot meals, pay, and levels… If you lot have faces, we don’t mean trouble but if they start it I’ve got three thousand soldiers who would tear apart your neighborhood for the fun of it until we have enough heads on pikes. Understood?”

She nodded before he handed her the coin and she quickly disappeared down an alleyway. Darian just watched as a month’s worth of wages for him disappeared so casually. It was the second bribe he’d seen that day, the first being two months’ wages for him.

He couldn’t help but focus on Umbert for a moment but switched as Gabriel spoke.

“What if she doesn’t tell people? There were people like that where I was born, they usually took the money and left.”

“Ah, boy…. She’ll do both! She ain’t coming back herself but she’ll tell people. Just not the ones we want her to tell. Won’t be long and we’ll have a slew of them crawling out of the woodwork asking for coin in exchange for spreading the word. I’ll pay off a couple of em but no more unless I see some recruits heading to the gates. As soon as I tell them that, even the ones that I don’t pay will spread it just to get me passing out coin again.”

At which point Umbert wouldn’t spend another copper. Darian figured that much at least. It sounded like a sound strategy. And as they walked the slums, it worked just as he said it would. A trio of kids ran up. He paid them but the ones after he told them to beat it until he saw results. After that, they walked around aimlessly.

“Gotta give them a little time. Hey you, any of you know a decent [Cook] looking for work? Boy, you can put down the parasol now.”

The streets were narrower, so they were constantly walking in the shade of buildings, even more so when between two large tenements like they were at the moment. The [Vagabond] Umbert had asked ignored him and kept meandering down the street but he wasn’t the only one that heard the question.

“I might cook for ya. Whatcha payin?”

Darian looked up to see a half-elf woman hanging out of a third story window. She had long black hair and fair skin. She could have passed for a human if the hair on one side of her head wasn’t cut short. It highlighted her pointed ear.

“You a [Cook]?”

“Nope, but if it’ll get me out of this tree rot of a city, I’ll learn… [Archer].”

“Oh yeah? … If you’re an [Archer] you could just join the company. We’re looking for fresh blood.”

She smiled down and went back in the window before climbing out legs first and sitting on the sill. Both of her legs dangling. Though one was only half a leg dangling. Her lower calf and right foot were gone.

“Not many willing to put me to work in the field. Damn birds got me and half my team.”

She pulled up her pant leg and wiggled her stump at them. All the while she smiled down at them bemusedly before giving them a wink.

“But as I said, could give cooking a try.”

“Fair enough. If you’re willing, a ride in a wagon outta here, food, bedroll, and that’s it till you get a class or earn your keep. We leave at sun up. Know any other useful cripples?”

It was a strange question to ask but Darian seemed to be the only one phased by it. The half-elf above scratched her chin and leaned further out the window. It looked like she was about to tip out but she didn’t fall.

“Any use for a one armed city runner or a blind cobbler?”


Umbert turned to walk away. She gave Darian a wave and tipped backward into the window. She never did say if she would join them and they didn’t ask.

Two hours later they walked back to the camp with three new recruits and a crate of fresh fish for the [Captain]. They carried it between them until they got into camp, where Umbert took it from them.

“I’ll bring this to the boss. Boy, just follow Darian. He’ll show you where to eat and sleep. You lot, I’ll show ya to the pay tent to get set up. Hopefully, a few of your friends will be outside.”

The [Sergeant] walked away with the recruits while Darian stayed behind with Gabriel.

“You were on the bus?”

“Si… yes. Same with you then? Have you seen others?”

Darian shook his head. Gabriel was the first Earther he’d come across.

“Same. So where’s the mess?”

“Somewhere in the middle of camp but it’s never the same layout. We’ll have to find it.”

They were only able to talk freely for a couple more minutes but both decided to stop once they were around the soldiers. Most of them were around the camp on guard duty or in the city but there were too many left in camp to risk it. Even so, Darian learned a little about his new coworker in the short time though. Moved to the US from Guatemala when he was 10, was a certified mechanic, and had been going Army.

Simple things but familiar at the same time.

The duo made their way through the camp and soon found the mess tents. They weren’t actually places Darian and Gabriel could eat in but they went in to get a bowl of stew and a lump of bread before heading right back outside. He led Gabriel to the side of the largest tent with the most shade to find his fellow servants trying to enjoy their meal.

It was exactly where he knew they’d be.

The inside was reserved for the soldiers but they had their own tables outside. It wasn’t that bad. They moved the tables to try to stay in the shade, it wasn’t as crowded, and it even smelled better. A couple hundred soldiers who spent the day marching in the sun added to the aroma of burnt food in the worst way.

Darian glanced around at the table and saw Kallea wasn’t there. Her haul partner was though, so he figured she must be singing or enjoying the city still.

Jonus was sitting staring into his food while two other wagon drivers played dice on the end of the table. They were all supply servants and claimed that table as theirs. The other was filled with cleaners. Darian didn’t really know any of them that well but their jobs were obvious. Most of it was taking care of the uniforms, tents, and laundry. He was somewhat surprised to see there was also a new member of his group.

“Took you three long enough? I can see why you need a [Cook].”

The half-elf pulled her spoon out of her bowl and let the broth pour down with questionable chunks that he knew to be burnt bread. Or hoped was only burnt bread.

“That going to be you?”

“No idea. Still, an [Archer] and I also know how to fletch a bit so there’s a chance I might train some of the [Bowmen]. Might not… I’m in but they don’t know what to do with me yet. Names Lana.”



She gave them each a nod and went back to stirring her stew. After a moment she grabbed some dirt and sprinkled a little in with a good stir of the spoon before starting to eat. Jonus ended up trying the same, though Darian didn’t know why.

Nevermind, crazy… Enough said.

“Huh, that’s not bad.”

“Mmmhm. A trick I learned. Salt from the ocean ends up in the dirt. Spray during storms and all that. Gives a bit of flavor and you don’t have to buy salt.”

Lana grabbed a fistful of dirt and sand and put it on the table. The whole table except Darian gave it a shot. Even Gabriel after he licked some off his finger. He couldn’t help but start worrying about Lana the [Cook].

“So where we headed?”


“Oh fun! I haven’t been there in a while. Might owe someone money there… I can’t remember.”

She scratched her head but shrugged it off and went back to her burnt dirt stew. Darian took a bite of his own and tasted a mouthful of wet char. He eyed the ‘condiment’ on the table but decided it still wasn’t worth it. Instead, he pulled out a ration bar and broke a chunk off to drop in his stew. It’d take a while to break apart in the liquid but it was his own trick. The rest got passed around.

“So, pointy. What happened to your leg?”

“A big bird ate it.”

“Wait, you were serious about that? I thought you were just being smart not talking about a pollo asesino… er, a killer chicken.”

Gabriel looked a bit embarrassed at his slip but the table didn’t care. They were all eating dirt and that wasn’t even the weirdest thing at the table. Jonus took that title by simple existing.

Also, two people secretly from another planet might be a little weirder than one of them using a foreign language.

“She’s talkin’ those terrobirds. Big honking flappers those ones. Rode one once, you know?”

Also, it probably helped that Jonus made up stuff on the regular.

“Jonus, you’ve never ridden one other than in your own head.”

Soteneus laughed and Darian was surprised that Jonus didn’t use his trademark crazy stare. Instead, he smiled a little less crazily and started tapping his nose.

“Whatever it was it was tall with a big beak and dumb eyes… Might have been someone else I was riding. They looked just like one of those big chickens. Humped better…”

Jonus suddenly snapped his fingers and pointed like he had had an epiphany.

“I got it, she humped a lot better. It was your mother! Does she remember me?”

“My mother?”

“Yup, i remember her big ole juicy- Haha- hey!”


It was a decent burn but Darian was suddenly worried about his own safety. An angry 7 foot tall centaur rearing up and lunging over a table wasn’t a laughing matter. Soteneus was a little too slow though and Jonus scrambled away, crawling under the side of the mess tent. The enraged centaur cantered around the tent to the entrance where they heard sudden shouts from soldiers.

“That’s not going to end well?”

“Hey, amigo. Mind showing me where we sleep? Might be a good time.”

Darian nodded and got up off the ground where he’d tipped over to avoid a flailing hoof. He wasn’t the only one, every servant, whether slave or indentured, scattered. Only taking a moment to hastily stack their bowls and snatch a ration bar or two as they passed a crate. They scattered but still fled in the same general direction. The direction that Darian led Gabriel and Lana through the camp to the rough area their tent was usually set up. Lana was hobbling along on a rough prosthetic peg leg but keeping pace. A pace that increased as a loud voice echoed through the camp. He’d hadn’t heard [Sergeant] Umbert yell before.

“Jonus! Find the bastard! NOW!”

Darian spotted the tent and its unique vertical stripes a second later and they all moved to go inside. Just before they made it to the entrance, five people exited.

“I was sleeping you assholes! I didn’t do anything! I was fra-”

It was four other residents of the tent carrying the wanted man out, one limb a piece. Jonus noticed Darian and the others watching and paused his rant to wink at them with a big grin on his face. A moment later it was back to outrage and screaming like he hadn’t just paused.

“Framed! You have a lot of- MHHM! MMMMMMMHMMMM.”

A soldier had run up and gagged him while trying not to laugh. Their group looked around at each other with a few other nearby witnesses. Everyone in a mixture of shock and mirth. They stood and chuckled to each other for a few moments.

“How the heck did he get back here before us without getting caught?!”

“I don’t know. Jonus is kind of scary like that.”

“What’ do you thi-

Darian suddenly flinched as he heard the crack of a distant whip. He hoped it wasn’t Soteneus. He flinched again as a second crack broke the silence. He’d prefer it wasn’t Jonus either, getting whipped over a joke was a little harsh. They all listened as a third time broke the silence. Lana started laughing.

“I like him, he’s fun.”

She went inside as a fourth crack sounded. Gabriel looked at Darian a little unsure of his decision.

“So do we make friends with the crazy gringos or hide from them?”

A fifth. Darian looked at the source of the sound in the distance.

“I’m keeping some distance but buying him a snickers bar if I ever find some place selling them, bro.”

Darian was a little relieved when he saw Soteneus walking back a few minutes later, no worse for wear. At least physically he seemed untouched but the centaur seemed down so Darian gave him a little wave. Soteneus waved back.

“Almost worth docking half my pay for the month. Would have been if the freak wasn’t still smiling through the whole thing… They’re tying him to the post for the night, so at least it’ll be quiet around the fire.”

They all went inside and sat around idly for a while. Darian warned Gabriel where Jonus’ bedroll was and his fellow Earther decided wisely to move to a spot well away from him. Darian wasn’t as lucky, He’d moved a couple times already but Jonus followed him around the tent for some reason. He wasn’t sure why.

However, Lana decided to claim her spot between him and Jonus though, so there was a bit of a silver lining. A buffer zone.

“Hey everyone! I’m back. Why’s Jonus chained to the post, pissing on himself?”

Kallea walked into the tent. Even though it was a very large tent, she had to bend over at the waist like all the centaurs to get through the door. Soteneus was the first to answer her.

“It’s Jonus. He did something stupid.”

Darian decided that was all that needed to be said but the full story came out regardless. He hadn’t realized Jonus knocked over the entire cauldron of stew. It wasn’t a real loss but it did make a mess. He was more interested in Kallea.

“So how’d you do?”


She smiled at the group and pulled three large bottles out of her saddle bags.

“Gifts from my loving admirers… one really creepy loving admirer. Also made some coin and already put it towards my debt. So far a good day, maybe I’ll level tonight… Come on, it’s nearly sundown.”

They all got up to go outside. He looked at Gabriel and Lana.

“Sarge has to do a count every night to make sure we’re accounted for. He prefers we’re outside and he hates the sun, so he won’t be here till after dark. We just sit around a fire till he shows up.”

They didn’t protest going outside in the first place but Darian figured he should explain their evening ritual. It wasn’t exactly optional.

“Who are these? Doesn’t matter, come on. A round on me.”

Kallae passed him an open bottle. He gave it a sniff and took a small drink of it before passing it off. Darian didn’t really drink much and almost never drank hard liquor but it was only wine. It still burned on the way down, so it was stronger than any wine he’d had before.

“Gabriel. I’m supposed to fix the wagons.”

“Lana… not sure what I’m doing yet. Thanks for the drink.”

Lana raised the bottle before taking a gulp and passed it. Gabriel sat down next to her and looked at her peg leg.

“So a bird did that?”

It seemed rude but she’d already started to answer it before the mishap.

“Yup. Terrobird. Big, mean, and has a razor sharp beak. We were low silver rank and went out to collect a bounty. Turned out there were more than just two of them, the others came up behind us. Our [Warrior] died, me and our [Mage] were crippled. The other two were alright though, just some cuts and scrapes a potion took care of.”


Kallae passed the bottle back to Lana who shrugged and took another drink.

“Don’t be. We all knew the risks. Things just don’t always go like you plan and even when they do, adventurers can still die.”

it was a harsh reality but it couldn’t be denied. Even the best could take a fatal wound at a moment’s notice. No one could really predict it.

“Got any good stories?”

Lana looked over at Kallae and grinned.

Soon they were passing the bottles and telling stories about adventurers they knew. Darian obviously just listened, he didn’t know any stories but he began to understand why they made so much and why far more chose to be soldiers. Soldiering may have been a tough life but they had support. Adventurers, not so much.

It was a strange thought to think about. Being out on your own or with a small team and having to deal with whatever they were fighting with only three options. Kill it, run away, or die

Still, Darian wiped the morbid thought out of his mind, and eventually, their boss showed up but no one got to their feet. He gestured for the cleaners to follow him as he passed.

Darian watched him, he wasn’t happy but he wasn’t mad. He looked resigned, dung rolled down hill and all that. Darian was sure he got a mouthful for Jonus’ actions.

“You lot, get over here. I’m not saying this twice… Everyone here? Good. New rules. Boss decided you lot aren’t allowed in the mess tent anymore. Tried to tell her it was just Jonus but she was not happy. If it’d happened anywhere else it probably would have been just him but we’re right next to our clients. He made us look unprofessional and potentially put our contract at risk… So, you get it straight from the kitchen now, and if it’s closed you wait at the door to the little mess but don’t cross the threshold. Understood?”

There was a series of various forms of acknowledgment. It was hardly Hua or oorah.

“Good. Second rule. Jonus now has to wear an enchanted slave collar at all times when he’s not working. It’s to block his Skills. If you catch him walking around without it, speak up. If you’re caught tampering with it, you’ll be punished. He’s also suspected of having a Skill that hides a criminal, cursed, or [Rogue] class… again-“

“Or a [Lunatic]?”

Soteneus’ comment was obviously not appreciated but Umbert didn’t admonish him for the comment. Instead, the [Sergeant] corrected the centaur.

“No… Well, that would explain a few things but no. It has to be something that he can use to run into a soldier’s tent in the middle of camp and be found on the other side of camp without anyone seeing him going anywhere… Whatever it is, we don’t know. Questioning and truthstones are useless, their not very effective if the person answers in incoherent babble… But if he tells any of you what his class is or anything about Skills that has nothing to do with his [Hostler] Class, report it to me and you’ll be rewarded. We’re talking months off your debts or if you’re a [Slave] the [Captain] will give you an indentured contract, she wants a valid reason to hang him I think. But don’t be making things up. It’ll all be checked with truth stones, so if you lie you’ll be punished.”

He looked around at everyone and then waved them closer. He lowered his voice a little.

“Now, I’m only telling you this to keep the rest of you out of trouble and by extension me. Expect random searches for the next few weeks. Don’t tell Jonus, if that fool is a [Rogue] the boss wants to know if he’s stealing anything. So if you have anything you shouldn’t, either give it to me now or toss it down a latrine tonight.”

Darian looked around the group as everyone shifted. Kallea was the first to move. She pulled a small dagger out from the back side of her saddle bag. One of the [Drivers] pulled out a boot knife. Then there was a short flood of concealed weapons that they, as indentured servants or slaves, weren’t supposed to be carrying. Umbert took each one without a word, though he raised an eyebrow at a small crossbow. Darian didn’t see where the [Driver] got it from but it wasn’t an easy thing to conceal.

Umbert looked around as people dug out the last remaining bits of contraband and his eyes landed on Darian.

“Darian, that broken artifact of yours. Don’t know what it is but give it here unless you want to lose it. You’ll get it back eventually.”

Darian adjusted his glasses for a moment then dug into his pocket and pulled out his iphone and handed it over. Gabriel seeing that got up and walked inside, coming back with a cellphone, a laptop, and a flashlight. Umbert looked at it all for a moment but held out his bag of holding and in it went.

“A’ight. Anything else gets tossed down a hole. Jonus will be on the post every night for the next three days, so get that booze drank up. You’re allowed to have it but the [Captain] is seeing red right now. Don’t push her…. You lot have a good night, see you in the morning.”

He turned and walked off towards his own tent, leaving them to sit around the fire alone again. It was quiet for a moment but the chatter started up again soon.

“What’s the post anyways?”

“Literally a big wooden post they drive into the ground and chain you to when they whip you. If it’s bad enough they leave you there.”

“There’s not many of us, how often do we get whipped?”

“Darian, it’s not just for us. They punish [Soldiers] like that too. Honestly, it’s usually one of them getting it, not us. They pull things like being insubordinate or starting a fight in a city and causing problems with the watch. But Jonus has been posted about once every two months since I’ve been here. That’s three years… Three down, twenty two years to go, give or take.”

A long, descending whistle came from across the fire. Darian was shocked, he didn’t realize anyone had as much time as him. If he had suspected anyone, Kallea would have been the last.

“What’d you do?”

Lana had been the one to whistle and didn’t want to let it go. Kallea put the bottle down and rubbed her hands together.

“Racing through town with a friend and accidentally trampled someone.”

She laid down on her horse body and looked into the fire. Darian felt bad for her, a dumb mistake that ruined her life. Guess he was in the same boat and was about to say so but Soteneus cleared his throat.

“Ran someone over with a wagon. Didn’t even see them. Paralyzed.”

Soteneus raised a bottle up to his fellow centaur. Kallae didn’t say what happened to her victim, which said plenty. Then one of the [Drivers] raised his hand.

“Set my wife’s lover’s house on fire, while they were both inside… What? I’m a [Slave] remember, there’s a reason I’m not indentured.”

“Drunken bar fight… Idiot Naga thought he could try to slither away with my girl because I’m just a normal lizardfolk, so I stabbed him.”

“You killed a Naga?”

“No. I stabbed him, then he beat the scales off me and had me arrested. Pretty lucky if I don’t say so myself.”

A round of laughter graced the group around the fire with that.

“[Smuggler]… Works with [Driver] pretty well. I can [Make Space] to store more things and [Avoid Detection] means the wagon doesn’t creak or stand out too much, makes for a smoother ride.”

“I fixed wagons without permission.”

All eyes turned to Gabriel with varying degrees of disbelief. Darian shook his head and laughed, everyone just waved off a murderer, attempted murderer, and a smuggler to stare at the unlicensed mechanic.

“He’s not joking. He didn’t get a permit from a guild so they had him charged.”

The group stared a little longer then started laughing quietly again. Darian couldn’t stop once the others started. The wine had been a lot stronger than he thought.

Lana got up and handed Gabriel a bottle.

“That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard!”


Zosk groaned as he lowered himself down on the bed. They’d made it to Azoru with only one minor incident after losing the slavers. He chuckled to himself now that he was in private. The look on Jenna’s face when she realized what she’d done. The poor girl didn’t know lizardfolk, so Dess didn’t blame her and he doubted she’d make that mistake twice. But she was a good sort just for looking as terrified as she did once she learned the intimacy of the act. He sat there and laughed, he didn’t get enough chances to laugh nowadays but that came to an end too.

His chuckling ended when he shifted slowly in bed to undo the back of his pants and started to take them off, careful not to get blood on the bedding. It had been fortunate that it hadn’t completely soaked through the bandages on the long march through the desert or that no new sores opened up. He didn’t want to leave a clue now after so long of keeping it a secret. He’d break the news only when he knew what the news was. There was little doubt it would be bad in his mind.

His strength came and went. He had bloody sores and missing scales on his legs that potions didn’t heal… he poked at his thigh and added reduced muscle mass to his growing list of symptoms. His tail was swollen and hurt to the point he had to use a centaur’s privy in the middle of the night because he couldn’t bend his tail right to fit on a lizardfolk toilet. An act that was easier said than done. More than one of his toes was turning black and he felt nothing from it. No pain… They’d probably have to be amputated, even if he found a cure.

Worse of all of it, it came on quick. He first noticed a sore on one of his feet a month ago. He ignored it thinking he’d rubbed it raw in his boots. From there it spread upwards quickly and wasn’t stopping, he’d only been having issues with his tail for the past week.

But the [Healer] in Patli had no idea what it was. So he had hoped to visit one in Sa’liquen during his previous trip but he didn’t want Dess nearby if it was bad news, the chance never arrived.

And it wasn’t the idea of dying necessarily that terrified him but Dess would be alone if it happened. That’s what scared him, he didn’t want her to be alone. He’d travel to the east if he could, look for the [Doctor] he’d heard about, the Last Light… but he doubted he had the coin to see someone that famous but if he knew where to start he would find a way for his little girl…

At least she had a friend now.

He glanced at the door to double check that it was locked and began carefully removing the bandages on his legs. More scales falling as they came loose. Under were patches that almost looked like skin, completely devoid of scales. He had never heard of something that would cause a Lizardman of his age to molt all at once. Only the elderly as their bodies slowly started to shut down in their last days of life and then only sometimes. He’d seen it once in the village.

But Zosk was far from that though, he was only 35 but he knew most looked at him like he was 50 because of his dusty scales, he chuckled at the thought of fixing that with a bit of Dess’ beloved scale cream but it wasn’t worth it if he kept losing scales and worse.

In the center of the scaleless sections of his leg were bloody sores. They didn’t gush blood like a wound but slowly seeped out. He sighed as he looked at a growing black spot in the center and gave it a poke with his claw but felt nothing.

Another black spot was growing further down the leg and once he removed that bandage he noticed a new lesion had started. It was only luck it started under where he wrapped the cloth around. He’d have to wrap his entire legs if it kept up. Once it made it to his tail, he wasn’t sure how he’d hide it. Fake an injury so he had a reason to wrap up his tale? Let it get smashed in a door? He cringed as he thought about it, his tail hurt enough as it stood.

The [Healer] did tell him it wasn’t contagious at least. She had no idea what it was but decided that because no one else was suffering it wasn’t likely to spread. It was one thing he could hold on to… he wouldn’t be the end to anyone else.

Zosk stopped poking and prodding himself and got back to switching out his bandages, putting his used ones in a pile to be burned or buried.

Once he was done, he finished dressing in fresh clothes and wedged his numb feet back into his boots. Even with [Skills], a march like that took a toll on the body but he actually didn’t feel pain in his feet. Partially because of that, he’d given both of the girls a stamina potion and healing potion once they reached the road but he abstained. It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried a healing potion before, they did nothing. Not even cause it to get worse like it would if it was an infection. Which only made it more confusing.

The big [Veteran Corporal] sat in silence once he was dressed and looked at the scales scattered across the floor. He could only sigh and dig through his bag for a small hand broom to clean it up but stopped when a knock sounded at the door.

“Hey. Old man? You in there.”

Zosk quickly shoved the bloody bandages in a cloth bag and put it in his pouch. There were a few small bloodstains on the floor but the bigger issue were the scales. With nothing better to do he pulled out a couple blankets and dumped them unceremoniously on the floor before opening the door.

“What is it?”

Dess walked into the room quickly followed by Jenna. That was surprising until Zosk spotted Dess’ hand wrapped around Jenna’s wrist, leading her inside. They shut the door behind them while Zosk sighed waiting for one of them to speak. He wasn’t surprised when it was Dess.

“Can we use the coins from the bags we took?”

“What for?”

They had taken a bit of time to go through the bags when they camped beside the road, there had been plenty of coin. They each now had gold and silver to spend and as far as Zosk was concerned it was theirs. The bastards it belonged to had forfeited the right to the coin, and the right to breathe, when they tried to put his daughter in chains. He just wondered what it was she wanted to buy and hoped there wasn’t a merchant in town selling strange beasts.

“Buy Jenna some clothes without butt cleavage.”

Zosk’s jaw dropped as Jenna turned bright red, she was already that color thanks to sunburn but even redder.

Of course Zosk knew immediately what Dess meant, he’d worked with humans before and saw the fashion phenomenon. He just hadn’t thought of it. He was still thinking of Dess returning with a cage of vampiric rats.

“Yes… and see if you can find something for her skin. Our scales dry out in the sun, humans burn. Shouldn’t be hard to find a vendor selling ointments to treat that and keep it from getting worse. Potions only do so much on burns.”

Her smile warmed him a little. And she gave him a quick hug before she turned to head out but he reached over her head and stopped the door.

“Stay to the market area, if there’s a shop you need to go to elsewhere, come get me. Don’t spend too much, we might need it… and Dess? Buy something for yourself too.”

She smiled even wider and gave him another quick hug. Jenna looked like she was going to as well but backed off. He wouldn’t have cared but he guessed she’d had too much close contact with lizardfolk recently. He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and let the door open. A flash of hair and scales was all he saw as they darted out of the room. He leaned out the door and saw the tops of their heads disappear down the stairs.

“I meant clothes! Not a critter!”

He sighed again before closing the door and began to sweep up his mess. He realized that Jenna was good for Dess and hoped they stuck together.

Zosk loved his daughter dearly but she wasn’t like most lizardfolk. He blamed himself for that because she took after him. Not the young 17 year old Zosk, the young [Soldier] that was running around with friends and squadmates, laughing. Sneaking away with Dess’ mother to spend time together. No, she grew up like the 23 year old Zosk, the [Corporal] who had led people into battle. Watched friends and mentors die. Nearly died himself multiple times but lived only to learn his wife had died while his company had been on campaign. The one who watched his five year old daughter act like she didn’t know him because she didn’t. Watched her run into the arms of strangers, her ‘grandparents’.

They weren’t really but Zosk never told Dess that, As far as she was concerned they were her grandparents until they passed away a few years ago. And as far as they were concerned, Dess was their granddaughter. He was completely alright with that.

In reality they were the elderly couple next door that heard her crying when her mother stopped moving. He’d had the chance to speak with them. Dess was desperately shaking Astuna, trying to get her to wake up but the little girl didn’t even notice that her mother wasn’t even breathing. They weren’t sure how long Dess had been in there before getting desperate enough to scream… It was too long he felt.

Still, Zosk owed them a lot for taking care of her until he could get back. And Dess use to write to them regularly, even went to Ayaviri to visit them a couple times. A rush of fresh guilt flooded him again for not being there when Astuna passed away. He’d known she was sick but he thought she’d recover and the company came first. That was his mistake and it was all a waste, the company fell when Crimson Sand took Sa’liquen only three years after he left.

Thanks to him and the way he was, Dess grew up learning to be distant and always had an issue connecting with people. She was polite but never started up conversations or joined spontaneous discussions that his people were famous for. She would always stand at the back and listen.

The only exception was her animals. It was hard to miss the conversations she’d had. Zosk thought it was sweet and even laughed when she argued with his favorite cat. He’d never turn Fluff into a pillow case. He’d have brought the furball along if he though the cat wanted it. It was the cat’s decision of course because Zosk knew Fluff would have had to want it, no one could catch him otherwise.

But that was life until a week ago when she met Jenna. There was no way to know if it was because she saw the girl as a pet that needed saving or if it was because Jenna was the first human she’d ever really met. Maybe she really needed something new to spark her interest. Maybe he’d made a mistake bringing her to Patli, a quiet life that never changed.

Now? It was different. He liked to think that Dess just needed a new perspective and what better to give it than a young girl that saw the world like it was her first time ever opening her eyes. Whether exciting or terrifying, it was all new to Jenna. He made his way to the stairs thinking of his daughter really living her life for once.


“Ohhh, this one!”

Dess picked up a fitted vest that was sky blue with yellow trim. She held it up to herself and looked down.

“I like it… shouldn’t you get a shirt under it though?”

Jenna wasn’t sure if Zosk would approve. It showed a lot of ski- scales.

Dess picked up a shirt and held it behind the vest for another look. The shirt had wide, elbow lengthed sleeves and was only slightly longer than the vest, so it still exposed her midriff. Still, Jenna smiled and gave a thumbs up. It did work well with her scales.

Dess grabbed a pair of pants and carried them over to the merchant.

Jenna had already made her purchases with some help from Dess. She was happy to have pants that didn’t have a hole or feel like hammer pants, which were one of the styles offered.

In fact, she found a couple of pairs just how she liked them, they were pleasantly tight but not restricting. It required a tunic that blocked a bit of the view from behind but there were plenty she thought looked cute. In reality Jenna preferred some of the tunics over what she could find on Earth but she didn’t get any of those. She didn’t feel right buying a silk shirt.

It was an improvement though and mission accomplished. Butt cleavage gone!

The pants, sans tail hole, came with a type of drawstring but she’d also gotten a belt to put over her tunic. It had a couple loops she could attach pouches to, so Jenna bought one to go with her bag of holding. A spare pouch where she could put things she needed immediately. She completed the look with a pair of calf high boots, a well made straw hat, and a shawl to cover her face if the sand started blowing.

Thankfully the merchant had a linen screen set up as a changing room and they’d hit the bathhouse already, so she was already wearing her new outfit. She even took out her phone for a moment to take a selfie in the privacy of the changing room. She thought she looked pretty good in a tunic. It was practical and cute, even with a face that looked like a boiled lobster that was peeling.

For that issue, Jenna had bought burn ointment and sunblock, lots of sunblock. She had no idea when she’d be able to get more but she lived in the desert now. A strange realization that had hit her multiple times and she pushed it away like she always did. It wasn’t fear or nerves, there was a little awe mixed in now that she wasn’t marching through the desert, miles from anywhere now.

“Okay, now what else?”

Jenna turned to see Dess had already changed into her new outfit. Judging by the shine, she’d even put on a little scale cream in the dressing room. Jenna had to pull her eyes away from the bright scales, tight top, and well fitted pants on her friend, she looked great but she didn’t want to stare… So she flashed a smile and stared into the market instead.

She wasn’t sure what else to do, they’d already done what they came to do. Dess didn’t even need to buy a scrying orb anymore, they’d found one in the bags. They had plenty of food for the road, weapons if they needed them, and even food for the falcons and Sandy. Getting food for the animals was their first stop in Azoru before even going to the inn.

But the people hadn’t eaten yet.


“Yes! There are so many things here! Not like Patli- What is that?! It looks good.”

They started to peruse the market looking for anything interesting they hadn’t had. Which for Jenna was basically everything. She saw that they had pizza and burgers but her stomach steered her to a kebab vendor. Dess had gone for the burger she’d spotted and inspected it like it was a delicacy from afar. She bit into it when they found a quiet space to sit and eat on a bench. The sauce gushed from her mouth and her eyes went wide.

“You should try this!”

“I’ve had them before.”

Dess looked at her burger for a moment and took another bite. She chewed as Jenna tried her own food, the strong taste of peppered meat invading her mouth giving a slight burning sensation while Dess was still enamored with the burger.

“They say they come from Izril. The recipe, not the food. Though he said his are different. He uses lamb and a special sauce. Here try a piece. Seriously… try. a. piece.”

Dess tore a chunk off her burger and gave it to Jenna. She gave it a sniff and it smelled like a gyro!

Jenna popped the chunk in her mouth and immediately regretted getting a kebab. They were good and very spicy but the lamb melted in her mouth. The cool tasting sauce soothed her burning tongue a bit, actually complementing the kick from the kebab nicely. She handed one of her kebabs to Dess and walked away to get her own, ignoring Dess giggling behind her.

Why the hell don’t we have these at home! We probably do… soo gooood! Cucumber sauce, I think. I don’t know dad was always the cook when it came to- Well pretty much everything.

They spent the next little while wandering the market enjoying their spicy yet refreshing meal and laughed when they realized they were setting a trend in a far better way than Jenna’s fantasy of fashionistas on Earth mimicking lizardfolk pants.

A few people had noticed them and tried the combination themselves, resulting in the merchant selling spicy kebabs making eyes that said ‘coins’ to the one selling the gyro burger. It was amazing how quickly they adapted and joined forces.

New mercantilism aside, Dess and Jenna just window shopped. The market was small but it didn’t matter, even for Dess there was a lot on display. Soccer balls, newspapers, jewelry, puzzle boxes, clothes, weapons, armor, tonics, potions, books, crystals…

Jenna was nearly overwhelmed by it.

It wasn’t like most shopping on earth where everything was neat and orderly. It wasn’t even like craft fairs and flea markets she’d been to. She didn’t see a single mid level marketing stall selling cheaply made makeup or handbags for far more than they were worth. Everything was unique and handcrafted. Even two enchanted rings advertised to do the same thing had different looks to them despite being side by side in the same stall.

Jenna stopped though when she noticed something that looked familiar. A gold seven pointed star.

“Ummm… excuse me, what is this?”

The attendant nearby jumped on the possibility of a sale and gave her his immediate attention.

“This? It’s a seven pointed star…”


It’s a symbol that represents travelers that journey from afar they say… So like yourself. Terrandria, Izril, or from the east?”

“None of them.”

She wasn’t going to say she was American but he looked her up and down and shrugged.

“I apologize… You’re skin is ummm…. It’s also known to be an ancient symbol of protection, also called an ‘elven star’. These aren’t relics and they’re not made by half elves but I’ve sold a few of them with various protective enchantments and wards. They have a unique look and make for a good conversation piece. Unfortunately, this one isn’t enchanted but it still is a beautiful piece… It would go well with your tunic I think, are you interested?”

“Ah… no thanks.”

“Well if you’re looking for protective enchantments, I still do have an assortment of rings. How about a pendant of arrow deflection?”

Jenna just put up her hands and backed away, she wasn’t interested and there was a chance they already had something like that from the slavers.

The Lizardman’s expression changed instantly but he pounced on another unsuspecting victim a moment later. A centaur that had heard the explanation of the Elven Star and made the mistake of moving closer for a better look.

Jenna hated salesmen like that, not that there were many like that where she came from but she’d recently bought a used car and it almost gave her nightmares with the way the saleman treated her.

Due to the memory, she vowed to be more careful as she walked over to where Dess was watching a scrying mirror while eating a bag of popcorn. Jenna looked around and didn’t immediately see where her friend had gotten it but helped herself to a handful when offered.

The two sat and watched what looked like a documentary of sorts on the history of a Terrandrian kingdom. Whoever had put it on should have probably lost their job though. Simply due to having no idea how entertainment worked in Jenna’s opinion. They were literally listing off each successive ruling monarch, their spouse, and kids. They said who each of the kids married, a few noteworthy achievements, then started again with the heir ascending to the throne, explaining the next generation in the same dull voice.

“I was hoping for a football game or singing… I hope not all Terrandrians are boring…”

She gave Jenna a meaningful look. She still hadn’t told Dess where she was from and barely even a hint. She’d bounced back and forth between Terrandria, Izril, and Chandrar.

The only thing her friend knew was she was from a republic and had traveled to Baleros unexpectedly. Jenna felt the heat and wondered again if she should tell them but Dess’ train of thought derailed before she could decide.

“We should probably go back. My pop is probably wondering where we’re at by now.”

Thank god or the dead gods or the frickin’ stars if that was a thing.

Of course Jenna felt bad about keeping it a secret but still wasn’t sure what would happen to her if it came out.

She trusted Dess and Zosk, they’d both done more than enough to earn that… Stopping her from getting eaten by a tremor, giving her a place to stay, literally killing people to keep her out of slavery!

It was a lot and beginning to weigh on her conscience. Instead of saying anything though she gave Dess a different idea.

“We can watch it in the room if you want. We’ve got a crystal marble thing now… Maybe they’ll have something better on after this.”

Dess gave one last disappointed glance at the world’s dullest TV show and they headed back to the inn. When they got there, they realized the inn had a scrying mirror as well. It was far bigger than the one the merchant had set up and was proudly displayed on the largest wall. The only issue was it was the same show but Jenna was surprised to see Zosk was watching it. Although he seemed just as bored of it.

“It’s almost over.”

Dess looked at the mirror and listened to the next generation to get listed off. Jenna wondered how he knew as she listened about a [Prince] that gave up his title to become a [Knight] that eventually went rogue to raise a force of fellow [Knights] and [Soldiers]. He led them to help a distant nation defend itself from an invasion force from the Kingdom of Glass and Glory.

That was somewhat interesting. Or could be if it wasn’t for the monotone narrator.

Although that wasn’t what they were watching. Besides the sleepy feeling the man’s voice gave her, Jenna and Dess stayed. And perhaps because Zosk recognized more recent history or was just lucky, he was proven right.

It ended and after it cut back to a strange looking Lizardman sleeping on a desk, his co-anchor sitting next to him reading a newspaper.

The one with the paper sat up quickly and shook his partner. He shot up and looked around wiping a bit of drool from his chin before he fixed a monocle to his eye.

“Ancestors! Who decided to put that on?! I know they paid for that but what were they thinking?!”

“I thought it was informative at least… Sir Relz, You can’t expect every history to be as glorious as that of a walled city. Or any for that matter. The Kingdom of Yirenth provided much information, did they not? They are the Kingdom of Records after all.”

“I suppose you’re correct Noass. Still as exciting as watching mortar dry. They could at least get a better person to present!”

Jenna giggled at him a bit sadly. She’d had her own ideas on the bit about the [Prince]-[Knight]. But Ser Relz had said what she’d thought, give it some flare!

From what she’d gathered it was a brave [Prince] who didn’t want to rule and only wanted to defend his people that became a [Knight]. He fell in love with a foreign [Princess] and when she came under threat, he raised an army against the will of his father to fight for her. He helped push the enemy back and married his love but in the end, it was a tragedy.

He died in battle and his beloved had fled her homeland for parts unknown, believed to be in Izril, losing her class when her kingdom fell. Jenna imagined that the [Knight]’s last thoughts were of her and that she was still out there. Or their decedents. Planning to take vengeance for her fallen [Knight] in shining armor… It was romantic.

It was also a fairy tale. A true fairy tale. One of the dark ones that they changed and gave a happy ending so they could make cartoon princesses.

“Of course I am..Next we have- Ah, yes the Free Harmonies Choir of Chandrar. Live from Lailight Scintillation, these talented young females of various species have all earned their… freedom-

Noass gave a pointed stare directly at the camera along with a pause.

“-all thanks to their spectacular talent… that is singing of course. I will see you after the program.”

The view switched to show an empty stage with raised bleachers in the back. Nothing was happening.

“I think I preferred the Drake girl from last night, she was a lot more fun to watch.”

Jenna agreed but liked the comedic duo as well.

Soon a line of women in yellow dresses started pouring in from both sides. Most went to stand on the bleachers and most were human or looked human to Jenna’s eye. There were a lot of them, dozens, close to two hundred. She realized what had been said but kept her mouth shut, each and every one was a [Slave] until recently. She knew what Lailight Scintillation was. She wanted to say-

“People shouldn’t have to earn their freedom by singing.”

She said it anyways.

Zosk rapped his knuckles against the table and gave her a look. Jenna remembered his warning but it was still wrong. Women shouldn’t have to be a vocal talent to gain freedom for a publicity stunt. She’d explained a little to Zosk about where she was from. He knew, vaguely, about the civil war and how her people stood against even the concept of slavery.

Even if in practice, modern day slavery across the world was often ignored.

It irked her but she remained quiet as the choir started singing soon after. It was a harmonious song, she had to admit. It fit the choir’s name… It was beautiful even with lines like ‘with my master’s grace, I rose!’

The singing was beautiful but the lyrics mad it sound like propaganda, at least the first song.

After that four moved forward and tried to emulate the Singer of Terrandria with an acapella version of ‘Fight Song’ by Rachel Platten. Four in the front sang with the rest providing the music. Jenna recognized it immediately and nearly jumped out of her seat. Dess and Zosk both stared for a second but the former immediately went back to the music while her father’s eyes lingered for a moment.

“What? I thought you’ve never heard the Singer of Terrandria before?!”

Dess had perked up from her earlier documentary induced stupor and was grinning earhole to earhole. Although she didn’t speak until the song ended.

“I haven’t.”

After Dess gave her a weird look but her attention shot back to the scrying mirror as they finished rearranging and gave a shout out to the Singer. It was followed by a whispering ballad that sounded as if it belong in an epic fantasy movie and was about the beauty of Chandrar. At least that was about the land, not the slavers. The ones after that were their own attempt at pop music, which Jenna enjoyed a lot. It was new even to her.

The entire performance only lasted 20 minutes but Jenna loved it. Not the parts praising slavery but the one song that told her that she wasn’t alone!

Somewhere on a different continent was a human from Earth.

Someone that had been there long enough to become world famous, where other artists did covers of covers because they were that famous. It was someone that had disappeared years ago and was still alive! It could have been someone who had only met with someone from Earth or got hold of a cell phone with music but she chose to believe.

When it ended, Jenna smiled as her eyes went misty while Dess applauded with a few other patrons when the final song concluded. After that, they went upstairs to bed, still tired from days on the road. It didn’t hurt that the next up was a trade report on various textiles. Discussing prices, quality, and the like.


Zosk watched the girls head upstairs as something new came on. He thought about watching the two drakes discuss the quality of trade goods but instead got up from his table and ordered an ale. When he got upstairs he stood outside his door and looked at the girls’ door next to his. He whispered with a smile to himself as he opened the door.

“No wonder she’s so different. Even music from Iceland is different… Not Izril or Terrandria… Must be an island somewhere. Drath? The Frozen Archipeligo?”

The poor fools that had gotten themselves killed had said more than just the information that led to their demise. They’d proudly stated where they were from and told everyone exactly what they thought of anyone that said a word against their homeland. Drunken idiots trying to pick a fight but it gave him some knowledge. He would wait for her to tell them but he knew where she was from, if not exactly where Iceland was.

Emir Yazdil, the famous [Slave Lord] from Roshal and one of the most powerful beings in the world if not for his direct power but for his wealth and reach. Depending how you looked at him he was an icon or a villain but was the sort of person that you thought of him as one or the other but often both. Even his enemies had reason to show him respect.

That was of course Vrizzar’s idol. More than that, it was his goal. How could it not be?

He wasn’t so superficial to think that just because they were both Naga that it was what he should strive for. Some sort of kinship with his fellow evolved lizardfolk.

No, that didn’t apply to him. Vrizzar wanted the wealth, the power, the ruthless and cunning reputation. Just as many always wanted, no matter the era. They’d look to their betters and hope that one day it would be them but ultimately nearly all of them failed.

But not many of them had what Vrizzar had. A secret. One worth a fortune that he was selling to the Crimson Sand Company at a high price… and then would sell again when he finally got back to Lailight Scintillation.

It would allow him to return to his home with honor- no forget honor, with value. Value enough to pay off his debts and ensure that he wouldn’t end up in chains himself. A value that would make him rich with a story that would get him connections. It wasn’t often an indebted [Slave Master] was forced to leave Lailight Scintillation but even rarer than any of them ever returned without a collar or with a head. But then again few if any ever had a chance to make a deal for 10,000 slaves with transport included. They were so desperate for the information that they’d even given him the right to travel and select those that fell under their rule if he felt the need.

That was how he ended up sitting next to the slob of a Naga that most referred to as the barge merchant… he really wasn’t worth more than his class but Vrizzar considered selecting him as well. It would do good to have an experienced business man within his future palace.


One of his slaves came up to him as he sat next to said merchant, the slave of course knew her place. She dropped to her knees and bowed as low as she could before addressing him and said not a word more until he acknowledged her. Her scaleless form wasn’t to his taste but he could see a bit of beauty in the half-elf.


“It’s Lady Oshansi.”

“Has she returned?”

His [Overseer], the only one without scales he made an exception for. He would never admit it out loud but he loved the woman, she’d been with him since he fled Chandrar for Baleros years prior and with him every moment since. He waited as the slave hesitated while still bowing. He cleared his throat and decided on wordlessly giving her three seconds to answer.

“They could not find her master. The scouts you sent, only one returned. They-”

“Where is this scout?”

“He is being tended to my master. He was injured by-”

“I don’t care… Tell me of Oshani.”

“They could not find her master. They found the others that were sent, their bodies left where they died or hastily hidden in a ruined house but her body was not present.”

Vrizzar held his hand up to tell her to stop speaking and took in the news. It wasn’t right. Oshani wouldn’t have abandoned him and there was no reason to think that if someone was able to overpower them that she wouldn’t also fight, even if one old veteran was enough to face his guards.

The only explanation he could think of was she was still in pursuit… He looked at his fellow Naga sitting worriedly next to him.

“Turn us around, we head south and have your guards seize two more from this village for every one of mine lost and one more for each of yours.”

“Errrr… Master Vrizzar, my barge isn’t designed to- I will see it done.”

He stared as the spineless snake got up and slithered over to one of his remaining guards and instructed him what to do. Then back to the half-elf before him.

“What is your name [Slave]?”

“Daniyae, Master.”


He imagined it wasn’t easy bearing bad news to him, he suspected that she was the one chosen by the others to bear it. So, he’d have it investigated and if it was how it had been done. He could stand cowardice but he wouldn’t stand for them withholding information. So Daniyae would find herself rewarded while the others were punished. They had to learn somehow.